Fat Disolving Injections

  • Before-Fat Dissolving Injections
    After-Fat Dissolving Injections
    Before Fat Dissolving Injections After

Why regular exercise and healthy nourishment do not always work…
You pay close attention to a wholesome lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating healthy, yet that one pad of fat that troubles you most will not disappear?
The cause for this lies within our genetics and the special structure of our fat cells in certain areas. The human body naturally stores fat in order to supply energy in times of restraint. Fat cells located in the subcutaneous fat tissue are difficult to diminish, as only their contents and overall volume can be altered, but not the fat cells themselves. These particular fat cells cannot be reduced and continuously serve as a reliable depot for body to store fat.

What is Aqualyx™?

Developed by Professor Pasquale Motolese, president of the Italian Society of Aesthetics and Medicine and first introduced in 2009, AQUALYX™ is an injectable treatment of cholanic acid sodium salts, which is a modified compound of cholanic acid. It is not a simple solution of deoxycholate acid, this is a form of injection lipolysis, lipotherapy or intralipotherapy treatment as a means of body contouring. Deoxycholic acid has been used in various fields of human medicine since its discovery. Present also in the human body, deoxycholic acid is used in the emulsification of fats for the absorption in the intestine.
AQUALYX™ was developed to treat localised pockets of fat underneath the surface of the skin.

How does Aqualyx™ work?

AQUALYX™ contains desoxycholan-acid, a secondary bile acid. With the assistance of bacteria, our body is able to produce this acid itself in the liver, in order to aid the digestion of fat.
The active substance locks on to the fat cells walls and starts to operate, resulting in the cell wall becoming instable and releasing the fatty acid that is stored within. Cell residue is then removed by the body’s defenses and the non-attached fatty acids are metabolised and converted into energy.

Which areas of the body can be treated with Aqualyx™?

Used for the dissolution of fat depots, AQUALYX™ can be administered all over the body.
It can be used to treat fat pockets on the back, chin and stomach, underneath the buttocks, hips, thighs and knees. It can also be used to treat pseudo-gynaecomastia, the development of fatty tissue around the nipple, resulting in a “breast”-like appearance in men, (due to weight gain rather than the growth of actual breast tissue as seen in genuine male gynaecomastia).
Our medical practitioner will discuss what areas you would like treating and specific risks based on the treatment area and your medical history.

How many fat-dissolving injection treatments are required?

The amount of treatments varies according to the desired degree of amendment, the dimensions of the fat depot and the individual reactions of the fat tissue. On average you will have to expect around 3-6 appointments, with 4-6 weeks intervals, until you can actually perceive the results.
A treatment with AQUALYX™ does not result in weight loss. Healthy nutrition as well as an exercise regimen are an absolute necessity to ensure success of the treatment.
Optional topical anaesthetic cream is available as well if needed. Any lasting tenderness post procedure will be settling within a matter of hours.

Is Aqualyx™ safe?

Like any medical intervention, there are risks that are associated with having an injectable procedure. Fortunately, many side effects are rare or very rare. The product used have been extensively and rigorously tested over many years with considerable evidence to support their robust safety profile in cosmetic medicine.
As part of your consultation with us, you will be advised on these in more detail before you decide to proceed with any treatment. Our medical practitioner’s training, expertise and experience means that he is able to assist you with side effects should you experience them. More commonly reported side effects, usually related to the procedure itself, are mild bruising or swelling of the skin, and are generally described as mild to moderate. You should plan your treatments around social events in case you do experience any effects that could affect your appearance, such as bruising.

How is the treatment with Aqualyx™ conducted?

Prior to your treatment you will be given a full consultation, complete a medical questionnaire and be offered a cooling off period to enable you to make an informed decision with full disclosure of the possible risks and side effects specific to you. You will also be given an indication of the cost of the treatment. Before you receive any treatment, you will be required to sign a consent form, this may be on paper or electronic, and be given the opportunity to ask any further questions. Photographs will be taken and kept as part of your medical record. These can be used for any marketing, advertising purpose, with your explicit permission.
Our medical practitioner will perform an examination of the area to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. It is important to have realistic expectations about what AQUALYX™ can achieve.
The area to be treated will be cleaned, makeup removed if worn, and then disinfected. If a topical anaesthetic cream is to be used, this will be applied and removed after 20-30 minutes to allow it to take effect. Using thin needles or flexible cannulas, AQULYX™ is injected directly into the subcutaneous fat tissue. The procedure can feel slightly uncomfortable and/or a stinging sensation is usually felt, as well as warm sensation, itching, and slight burning. Immediately after the injection, the affected area may redden and swell to a slight degree. As with any treatment involving a hypodermic needle, minor haematoma might develop. All these are expected side effects that abate within a couple of days after the treatment.
Following your procedure, the practitioner will massage the area and then clean the skin. Also, a post-treatment cream will be applied. After the procedure, you will receive all the aftercare information needed and be offered a follow up appointment.

Am I suitable for Aqualyx™ treatment?

You may not be suitable for treatment if any of the following apply:

  • AQUALYX™ cannot be performed on pregnant or breast-feeding women and is not recommended if you are actively trying to get pregnant or undergoing IVF; also if you are under the age of 18.
  • If you suffer from keloid scarring or have active skin conditions, such as acne or psoriasis.
  • If you have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune conditions, blood clotting disorders, cancer, immunosuppression (either medical or drug-related).
  • If you are suffering from any skin infection in or near the treatment area, including cold sores.
  • If you are suffering from any other infection, including dental, throat, ear, chest or sinus infections.
  • If you are unwell, including coughs and colds, on the day of treatment.
  • If you are taking any medicines which affect bleeding, such as aspirin or warfarin.
  • If you have had Roaccutane or isotretinoin in the past 6 months.
  • Certain allergies, including lidocaine or bee sting allergy.
  • Recent facial surgery or other dermal fillers in the same area.
  • Permanent implants, such as silicone implants in the face or pins and plates.

Is there any Pre-Treatment advice?

  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatories (such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen) for 3 days prior to treatment (unless this has been prescribed by your doctor) as this increases the risk of bruising.
  • Alcohol, fish oils, St. John’s Wort, Gingko Biloba and Vitamin E should also be avoided for 3 days prior to treatment to lessen the risk of bruising.
  • If you are prone to bruising, taking arnica orally for a few days prior to treatment may lessen the risk.
  • If you are unwell on the day of your appointment, contact the clinic to reschedule.
  • Avoid sunbeds and tanning for at least 1 week before and after treatment.
  • Ensure our practitioner is informed if there are any changes in your medical history or medication taken before receiving any treatment.

After treatment, most people can resume to their normal daily activities. Immediately after treatment, there may be some redness, tenderness and swelling at the injection sites and there will likely be visible lumps at the injection sites. Bruising may be obvious immediately after treatment and may be quite pronounced.
• Do not apply make-up for 12 hours after treatment to reduce the risk of infection.
• Avoid saunas, swimming pools and sunbeds until the initial swelling and redness has settled.
• Try to avoid touching or rubbing the treated area until the following day, as you may affect the results of treatment or cause infection, unless otherwise advised.
• Massage of the area is not required; the product will diffuse naturally on its own.
• Avoid extremes of hot or cold and vigorous exercise until the initial swelling has resolved.
• If swelling persists, you may be advised to apply a cool pad to help remedy this.